Domark 杀菌剂获得 EPA 注册

瓦伦特美国公司伊萨格罗公司 根据一份新闻稿,宣布 Domark 杀菌剂已获得美国环境保护署 (EPA) 的注册,可用于大田玉米、爆米花和玉米种子。

Domark 是一种三唑化学品,使其成为对嗜球果伞素类杀菌剂占主导地位的玉米部分具有内吸和接触活性的独特选择。根据发布的消息,作为三唑,Domark 具有预防和治疗活性,而嗜球果伞素仅限于预防控制。此外,Domark 比其他三唑更有效地防治大豆和玉米的更广泛病害,包括玉米叶斑病(灰斑病、眼斑)、锈病(常见、南方)和叶枯病(炭疽病、玉米南方叶枯病) .

“Resistance management is a top-of-mind issue for many corn growers who are limited to mostly strobilurin products,” said Gerald Holmes, Valent field market development specialist in a statement. “Domark will provide corn growers with a much-needed triazole mode of action from a product they can count on for excellent disease control.”

Since its introduction in the United States, Domark has been an effective tool in the control and prevention of major soybean diseases such as white mold, frogeye leafspot and purple seed stain—without causing green stems at harvest, according to the release. Holmes said that in corn trials conducted in the 2011 season, results indicate that Domark effectively controls yield-robbing diseases, which, in turn, protects yield potential.