征用大豆和玉米获得 FDA 批准

陶氏益农表示,其 Enlist 玉米和大豆成功完成了 FDA 的法律和监管审查,其新的 2、4-D 抗性杂草控制系统更接近于上市。

陶氏化学表示,Enlist 杂草控制系统在优质玉米和大豆种质中使用了除草剂和耐除草剂特性的创新组合,一旦获得所有监管部门的批准,该系统将被引入。

“With a significant rise in glyphosate-resistant and hard-to-control weeds in 2011, farmers need new technology to address their weed control challenges in a sustainable way,” said Joe Vertin, global business leader, Enlist Weed Control System, Dow AgroSciences.

“This step forward in the regulatory process indicates the strong foundation of science and stewardship supporting the Enlist system and the innovation it represents.”

该公司此前获得了 2,4-D 胆碱的 EPA 注册,这是 Enlist 系统除草剂溶液的关键成分。
