
About three-fourths of Shane Susie’s 80-acre soybean field was damaged after getting hit with dicamba that drifted over his crops from neighboring fields. 在 DesMoinesRegister.com 上写道 Donnelle Eller.

The herbicide also savaged his family’s trees, flowers and vegetable patch.

“We’re not eating anything out of it this year,” said the 30-year-old who farms near Kingsley in northwest Iowa.

He estimates his soybean damage losses at $15,000. With drought worries and low corn and soybean prices, “it will be a tough year.” he said. “It makes a challenging year more challenging.”


密苏里大学的一份报告显示,在全国范围内,有 2,242 名农民表示麦草畏已经破坏了大约 310 万英亩的土地。

爱荷华州农业领导人正在调查今年创纪录的 258 起因滥用农药造成的农作物损失报告。 150,000 英亩土地上约有 100 起投诉与麦草畏有关。

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