研究员:阿特拉津为美国创造了多达 85,000 个工作岗位

GREENSBORO, N.C., — A new jobs analysis shows atrazine continues to be a mainstay for US farmers for controlling weeds.

根据芝加哥大学哈里斯学院美国科技公共政策研究教授 Don L. Coursey 博士的一份新报告,阿特拉津支持多达 85,000 个美国工作岗位。

The new estimate is based on 2010 price and production figures and new research by a team of ag experts, who calculate atrazine’s value to the U.S. economy at up to $9 billion. It represents jobs related to atrazine in corn, grain sorghum, sugar cane and other production crops.

“We put this data about atrazine into a jobs perspective because people want to know the impact on the average consumer,” said Coursey in a statement. “If atrazine were to become unavailable, and all atrazine-dependent jobs were taken solely from the agricultural sector, its unemployment rate would increase by as much as 3.8%,” he added.

Syngenta, principal registrant for atrazine, commissioned new research, including five papers as well as Coursey’s report.

CropLife America’s November 2011 report supports Coursey’s estimate, according to a statement. It shows crop protection products, including but not limited to atrazine, create more than 1 million jobs and generate more than $33 billion in wages for US workers. The report details the economic, environmental and food production benefits of crop protection products, including pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, fungicides as well as biotechnology products.

据先正达称,在 1986 年至 2005 年 236 次大学玉米田试验的综合数据中,阿特拉津处理显示每英亩平均比其他除草剂处理多 5.7 蒲式耳。

An Agricultural Health Study, published by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences in 2011, concluded that “there was no consistent evidence of an association between atrazine use and any cancer site. There was a suggestion of increased risk of thyroid cancer, but these results are based on relatively small numbers and minimal supporting evidence.”

有关阿特拉津的更多信息,请访问 www.atrazine.com。

资料来源:先正达,在线编辑 Stefanie A. Toth 编辑