ADAMA 在波兰推出新型谷物除草剂

全球领先的农作物保护公司 ADAMA Ltd. 宣布 EDAPTIS 在波兰首次登记。EDAPTIS 是一种即用型解决方案,可广谱控制草类杂草,并提高对抗性种群的效力。

EDAPTIS 是一种叶面除草剂,可在出苗后使用。独特的配方结合了领先的叶面除草剂作用模式:Pinoxaden 和 Mesosulfuron。与市场领先的产品相比,EDAPTIS 结合了用于控制草类杂草的第 1 组和第 2 组作用模式,不仅扩大了功效范围,而且提高了对抗抗性杂草种群的有效性,尤其是针对难以杀死的草类。


除了卓越的性能外,EDAPTIS 还具有良好的可持续性。该产品采用精炼菜籽油配制成油分散剂,增强了其环保属性。这一过程需要利用农民种植的菜籽油,对其进行精炼,并将其加入 EDAPTIS 配方中。

“With farmers across Europe seeking innovative and quality solutions that deliver tangible benefits in the field, addressing grassy weed resistance becomes increasingly crucial. This urgency is compounded by the removal of numerous herbicides, especially in the pre-emergent segment, due to heightened regulatory restrictions,” said Darren Palendat, Global Herbicide Product Strategy for ADAMA. “By thinking outside of the box and maintaining a deep understanding of farmers’ needs and market dynamics, we ensure that our solutions provide tangible value to our customers. With EDAPTIS we are changing the way farmers think about long term weed resistance management.”

EDAPTIS 在波兰获得注册,预计将在法国、德国、英国、意大利、西班牙等多个欧洲国家注册。