EPA 批准柳木除草剂

美国威洛伍德 根据一份新闻稿,Willowood Fomesafen 1.88SL 和 Willowood Fomesafen 2SL 已获得 EPA 注册。

据该公司称,Willowood Fomesafen 1.88SL 是一种选择性除草剂,可在种植前、出苗前或出苗后施用,以控制或抑制大豆中的阔叶杂草、禾草和莎草。 Willowood Fomesafen 2SL 是一种选择性除草剂,可在种植前表面、出苗前和/或出苗后施用,以控制或部分控制棉花、干豆、菜豆和大豆中的阔叶杂草、禾草和莎草。

“These two products add depth to our growing portfolio of herbicides,” said Brian Heinze, Willowood USA president and CEO in a statement. “These two new Willowood products give growers another herbicide choice for weed control in glyphosate tolerant situations.”