Nufarm 失去了在澳大利亚和新西兰与中化集团的 Roundup 合同

专利到期的作物保护公司 Nufarm Limited 本周表示,它收到孟山都公司的通知,将终止其在澳大利亚和新西兰的独家经销 Roundup。


自今年 8 月 28 日起,Nufarm 将不再销售世界上最大的草甘膦品牌产品,Nufarm 已售出约一半的澳大利亚 Roundup。 Nufarm 2012年Roundup在澳大利亚和新西兰的销售总额约为$1.02亿。公司销售的草甘膦中约有 60% 以 Roundup 品牌销售。

Nufarm’s Managing Director, Doug Rathbone, said Nufarm “remains committed to the glyphosate segment and will continue to invest in the development of innovative glyphosate formulations under Nufarm’s brands.”

“The glyphosate segment has changed significantly over the past few years, becoming increasingly competitive and generating substantially less value for suppliers of that chemistry into the Australian market,” Rathbone said. “The brand premium attached to Roundup has consequently been eroded, and we will now focus our ongoing investment in glyphosate on Nufarm’s own brands where we can build long-term value on a more secure basis and ensure our cost competitiveness.”

一旦不再需要向孟山都公司付款,其成本状况将得到改善,Nufarm 表示“预计将在草甘膦领域保持强大的影响力”,并且不会对收益产生实质性影响。

Nufarm Australia entered into an agreement with Monsanto in 2002 for exclusive use of Monsanto’s Roundup glyphosate and has launched several glyphosate products under that brand, including Roundup Power Max and, more recently, Roundup Attack.