
巴西部分地区的咖啡种植者正在努力应对最近记忆中最严重的甲虫侵扰,因为 40 年来对一种杀虫剂的禁令助长了这种破坏性昆虫的繁殖,威胁到咖啡豆的质量和产量, Marcy Nicholson 和 Ana Mano 在 Reuters.com 上写道.

甲虫造成的损害——直到 2013 年才由杀虫剂控制 硫丹 — is compounding a smaller biennial production year for Brazil’s producers, who are already struggling with the impact of poor weather in some areas as well as plant fatigue after a big harvest. The government expected the annual crop to be down 11 percent on the year even before the beetle problem emerged.

The incidence of the beetle, known as “broca,” has surged in an area that grows roughly 40 percent of Brazil’s crop, with estimated damage to green coffee ranging from 5 percent to 30 percent after females burrowed into beans to lay their eggs.

这将影响从该地区出售给星巴克公司和雀巢公司等公司的阿拉比卡咖啡豆的质量,Grupo Hojo 的所有者 Thomas Hojo 说,他的家庭农场占地 1,300 公顷(3,200 英亩),并拥有一个烘焙厂。

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