
农民和农业利益集团 美国民众对美国第八巡回上诉法院 2023 年 11 月 2 日的裁决表示赞赏,该裁决撤销了美国环保局对流行杀虫剂的使用禁令 毒死蜱 关于粮食作物。在做出裁决的同时,法院还指出,美国环保局在确定产品的安全性和有效性时,无视其科学家关于毒死蜱用途的发现。

2022 年初美国农业团体包括对EPA禁止毒死蜱提起诉讼,该禁令限制了他们在农作物上使用该产品,这些团体还强调了该工具用于农业用途的高效益和低风险,并呼吁审查和撤销EPA的毒死蜱禁令。

“The decision of the court is hailed by the farming community all over the world, as chlorpyrifos is a broad spectrum product used in farming and public health, and is one of the cheapest product available to farmers,” said Pradip Dave, President of the 印度农药制造商和配方设计师协会 (PMFAI). “Chlorpyrifos is most effective product against migratory locust attack and is recommended by FAO/WHO.

“Grower associations in the U.S. applauded the Court’s ruling as it offered relief,” Dave continued. “Growers experienced higher costs in protecting their crops from pests. In the absence of chlorpyrifos, growers were compelled to resort to use multiple pesticides without getting desired effectiveness. Growers are eager to restore the use of chlorpyrifos in the 2024 season, as they have suffered losses in 2022 and 2023. The U.S. court’s ruling is timely.”

India is one of the largest manufacturers and users of chlorpyrifos with present production of around 20,000 M.T. “Indian farmers have been using this affordable product on multiple crops since 1977 without any adverse impact reported on human and animal health and environment,” Dave said. “Hazard classification of chlorpyrifos by various regulatory authorities worldwide remains unchanged despite its first registration since 1965.”


“The ruling by the U.S. Court of Appeals Eighth Circuit is important and gives the right direction to regulatory authorities all over the world, including India, as any move to restrict or ban use of chlorpyrifos will harm interests of farmers,” Dave concluded.