INTEGO SUITE 大豆现已注册多合一配方

Valent U.S.A. Corp.’s INTEGO SUITE Soybeans, a seed treatment designed to control multiple species of 腐霉疫霉属,已在美国环境保护署注册。

据 Valent 称,INTEGO SUITE Soybeans 含有多种活性成分,包括 ethaboxam,这是 35 年来推出的第一种种子保护杀菌剂 腐霉疫霉属 保护。双重作用模式在幼苗周围形成一个完整的保护区域,保护植物免受更广泛的 腐霉 物种和 疫霉属,以及许多土传疾病和昆虫。

“Not only will INTEGO SUITE Soybeans streamline the soybean seed treating process, eliminating several time-consuming steps, but the added red colorant will also assure seed is entirely treated and protected,” said Thad Haes, seed protection market manager for Valent. “Providing retailers with the best and easiest soybean seed treatment product on the market was Valent’s goal, and I feel confident we’ve done that with INTEGO SUITE Soybeans.”

如需更多信息,请访问 INTEGO SUITE 大豆.