Koppert 推出新的生物刺激素

总部位于荷兰的 Koppert Biological Systems 开发并推出了一种用于可耕作物的生物刺激素。

该产品含有多种促进植物生长的微生物。即使在较低的施肥率下,Panoramix 的应用也能提高产量和增加营养价值。

Koppert 开发了 Panoramix(一种浓缩液体拌种剂),特别适用于玉米和小麦等大型可耕作物。该产品含有多种促进植物生长的微生物,对作物有益。它们可以保护种子、强化幼苗并促进根系的生长和发育,以及作物的完全成熟。

Panoramix promotes the crop’s growth and makes the plant less susceptible to abiotic stress. A treatment with Panoramix gives rise to a stronger and healthier crop, which is more resistant to drought and disease and – most importantly – much more productive. Rick van der Pas, product manager, explains, “Large yield increases have been measured in wheat and maize. The product soon pays for itself, thanks to all the extra kilograms harvested. Seeds treated with Panoramix also show better plant emergence, resulting in reduced additional sowing costs. The product also helps growers to make their production more sustainable. The crop is less susceptible to diseases, so it requires fewer chemical crop protection products.”

Panoramix 包含微生物和其他物质的混合物,包括真菌木霉属。和内生菌根、芽孢杆菌属细菌、维生素、富里酸以及藻类和植物油的提取物。
“Panoramix is an excellent addition to our range of natural products that contribute to more sustainable production,” says Van der Pas. “The product is completely natural and safe for humans and the environment.”