Nufarm 宣布在欧洲进行重组

正在进行大规模重组的澳大利亚专利到期作物保护公司 Nufarm 宣布将在未来 18 个月内关闭一家欧洲工厂并增加欧洲另外两家设施的产能,据称此举将为其节省至少 $23 百万美元一年。

该公司本周早些时候宣布首席执行官 Doug Rathbone 辞职,并表示拟议的变更涉及关闭荷兰 Botlek 的一家制造工厂;和效率计划,这些计划将降低英国怀克和法国盖永的制造工厂的成本并提高产能。


Nufarm’s Group Executive Operations, Elbert Prado, said the changes have been identified following a detailed review of the company’s European manufacturing footprint and how it supports both regional growth plans and the requirements of the global business.
“These changes will result in a more efficient manufacturing base in Europe and will improve our competiveness on a global basis by reducing the unit cost of one of our most important herbicides – MCPA – as well as several other products that are produced in Europe and exported to other markets around the world,” Prado said. “The changes will also reduce supply chain complexity, supporting our efforts to improve working capital efficiency across the group.”
Botlek 的关闭涉及潜在的员工总数减少约 50 人。目前正在与相关工人代表团体进行磋商。
Executive General Manager of Nufarm Europe, Hugo Schweers, said the commitment to increase capacity in Wyke and Gaillon will support strong growth of Nufarm’s regional branded business over coming years.
“We will strengthen our capabilities and capacity in key product areas including insecticides and fungicides as we continue to expand our presence in markets across Europe,” Schweers said.
首席运营官兼代理首席执行官 Greg Hunt 表示,计划中的变革是持续绩效改进计划的一部分,该计划将在未来几年进一步节省成本。他说,欧洲的举措预计将在 2016 年 7 月之前全面实施,并且是成本降低和性能改进计划的一部分,预计将在未来两到三年内节省 $1 亿。估计节省的费用不包括与先前宣布的澳大利亚重组活动相关的收益。
Nufarm 去年宣布重组其澳大利亚和新西兰的生产足迹,将现有六个生产基地的生产活动整合到其中三个生产基地。 Nufarm 表示,重组继续按计划进行。 Welshpool 工厂(西澳大利亚)的制造活动在圣诞节前停止,Otahuhu(新西兰)和 Lytton(昆士兰)的工厂有望在 2016 财年结束前关闭。
与实现 $16 百万的年化成本和员工人数节省相关的预期保持不变。
“We are maintaining a relentless focus on delivering higher returns through a combination of working capital improvements and other efficiencies combined with the strong earnings growth we expect to deliver over the medium to long term,” said Hunt.
Nufarm 还重申了其上半年收益指引,预计基本息税前利润将超过去年同期。