先正达起诉 Willowood 侵犯专利权

先正达继续在美国保护其嘧菌酯杀菌剂产品,要求专利后公司提供其制造 AI 方法的证明,以免侵犯其工艺专利。

Syngenta Crop Protection 在北卡罗来纳州的美国地方法院对 Willowood LLC、Willowood USA、Willowood Azoxystrobin LLC 和 Willowood Limited 提起诉讼,指控 Willowood 违反了生产嘧菌酯的各种专利工艺。

根据法庭文件,先正达还声称 Willowood 复制了先正达 Quadris Flowable 杀菌剂标签的部分内容,并在美国向 EPA 提交了其 Azoxy 2SC 标签的“大部分逐字”。此外,先正达表示,Willowood 的 AzoxyProp Xtra 标签是从先正达的 Quilt Xcel 杀菌剂标签上取消的。

美国环保署于 2014 年 1 月 6 日批准了 Willowood 的 Azoxy 2SC 注册,其配方师豁免允许使用第三方数据包来表明其 Azoxy 2SC 产品与先正达的注册产品基本相似。

根据先正达提交的法庭文件,当先正达要求时,Willowood 拒绝透露其生产嘧菌酯的方法。

In a prepared statement, Syngenta said: “The lawsuit seeks to permanently stop Willowood’s infringement of Syngenta’s intellectual property rights, to recover damages for compensation and obtain other equitable and monetary relief.”

Willowood USA responded in a statement to its customers in the United States: “Willowood wants to assure you that Syngenta’s allegations are completely unfounded and that Willowood will vigorously defend itself against Syngenta’s claims … We believe that our success helps explain why, among all the manufacturers of azoxystrobin products, Syngenta has exclusively targeted Willowood in making its baseless claims.”