作家希望在 2019 年加入 AgriBusinessGlobal.com


AgriBusinessGlobal.com 正在寻找人员在 2019 年加入我们的团队,并向我们的网站提交有关全球作物保护/生产市场的原创内容。虽然这是一项无偿/自愿提供的服务,但为 AgriBusinessGlobal.com 撰写文章是利用您的专业知识帮助我们的受众更好地了解市场的好方法。我们希望找到能够定期制作引人入胜的文章的作家。设置很简单:只需通过电子邮件将您的文章发送给我们,由我们的编辑人员发布。 AgriBusinessGlobal.com 位于俄亥俄州威洛比,但我们鼓励可以在线交流的美国和国际申请人。


正如您在 AgriBusinessGlobal.com 上看到的那样,我们的作者涵盖的主题范围多种多样。我们鼓励所有作者撰写他们擅长的主题,一般规则是该主题与作物保护(农用化学品、生物农药)、植物健康(生物刺激素、微量营养素、NPK)以及种子和性状相关,如以及这些产品交易的全球市场。也欢迎发表意见。谈论您的热情并传播您的信息。


By submitting an original article to AgriBusinessGlobal.com, you will have the opportunity to get discovered by having your original work published and read by the AgriBusinessGlobal.com audience across the globe. Do you already write a blog on the global crop protection market and/or other related subjects? By writing for AgriBusinessGlobal.com, you’ll reach exponentially more readers, including exposure to more than 9,000 newsletter subscribers and nearly 8,000 followers on social media (Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn). Write as often (or as little) as you wish, and as long (or as short — even a few hundred words are good) as you like. There’s also no need to be a trained writer — we’ll do the editing! We encourage you to include links to articles related to your own business and your company’s Web content. Every writer on AgriBusinessGlobal.com also has their own archive of articles that includes their bio.

AgriBusinessGlobal.com 撰稿人:今天就联系我们吧!