
国际可持续农业运动通过 综合虫害管理 综合营养供应系统已成为当务之急。绿色议程包括对抗环境污染的机制,其长期目标是减少(如果不能避免的话)环境中的化学物质。今天,如何将地球从农业中使用化学品开采自然资源所带来的生态灾难中拯救出来,是需要解决的问题。


On the agricultural front, chemical inputs can’t be totally eliminated – but it is now recognized that indiscriminate use of chemicals shows nature is violable only to an extent, and not beyond. To get over the ecological crisis, one has to promote environmentally benign technologies through investments in “natural capitalism,” in the words of Hawken and Lovins.


The chemical input system must be supplanted by one which rests on conservation of natural resources, waste minimization, reuse, and recycling. This paradigm shift is possible only by a move to organic agriculture. Composted crop residues, animal manures, bio-fertilizers, and biological pest control can be adopted to maintain soil productivity, supply plant nutrients, and control pests and diseases. One must aim at this form of farming, which produces sufficient food to meet the needs of this generation without eroding the ecological assets and productivity of the life-supporting systems of future generations.

In the nutrient supply system to plants, farming methodologies will center around protecting long-term soil fertility by maintaining organic matter content and fostering soil biological activity, providing crop nutrients indirectly through organic compost – which are made available to plants by the action of soil microorganisms and the facilitation of the nitrogen fixation process – as well as phosphorous and potash mobilization through microbes and increasing fertilizer use efficiency.

尿素、过磷酸钙、氯化钾、磷酸铵颗粒状 NPK 复合物和混合物等化学肥料可以补充有机肥料、蚯蚓堆肥和固氮剂等载体微生物(生物肥料),如果不能替代的话、磷增溶剂、钾盐和硫调动剂,以及 VAM(菌根)等营养调动剂。

在植物保护方面,自然界中有大量的害虫生物防治剂,如几种昆虫病原体,包括核多角体病毒 (NPV) 和颗粒病毒 (GV) 等病毒;芽孢杆菌等细菌;和真菌,如绿僵菌、白僵菌、轮枝菌和拟青霉,它们会导致昆虫疾病。类似地,众所周知,拮抗真菌如木霉属和安培氏菌属以及细菌如芽孢杆菌属和假单胞菌属会攻击病原真菌。



今天,拮抗真菌、昆虫病原体、杆状病毒、根际细菌、天敌和寄生虫等形式的特定生物防治剂可用于植物保护,同时生物肥料、堆肥、灭菌和标准化的 DorS 以及非食用植物油饼也可供使用补充或替代化肥。

