
农产品零售商协会 (ARA) GROWMARK董事会主席Rod Wells出席万众期待的签约仪式 第一阶段贸易协定 美国和中国之间。 ARA 总裁兼首席执行官 Daren Coppock 发表以下声明支持该协议:

“ARA 对特朗普政府、美国贸易代表办公室 (USTR) 以及那些在幕后帮助修复两国贸易关系的人表示赞赏。

“This agreement will boost U.S. goods and services exports to China by a reported $200 billion over the next two years. That level of economic growth cannot be understated. We are grateful for the efforts of Ambassador Lighthizer and this administration in securing this agreement.”

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