

Opinions I received on the topic were mixed. Some readers believed (correctly, I think) that part of the problem is certainly attributable to the crop area shifts and lower availability of feed corn as contributing to price increases — one reader in China noted that the cost of milk, in particular, has skyrocketed, as a result of the increase in costs for dairy farmers.

On the other hand, as I referenced in the editorial, there is also a certain amount of reactionary backlash that isn’t as well founded. The price of rice, which has also risen and provides the bigger issue for the world’s food supply, as it is our most important food crop, overall – is only slightly affected by biofuel production. Sure, input costs for rice farmers are affected by input price increases, but not at the level of more intensely farmed crops. In its case, weather is the bigger topic, especially as we gain a clearer understanding of the debated issue of global warming.

我最近读了一篇关于 黎明网,一个巴基斯坦新闻网站,讨论了该国大米的价格飙升(在某些情况下翻了一番,甚至更多),这导致了许多其他问题,例如经销商削减低质量的溢价和消费者尽可能少地购买存活。




