
美国作物生命 (CLA) 很高兴欢迎即将上任的政府关系副总裁 Peggy Browne。凭借多年在农业、政府和政策方面的经验,佩吉将利用她的专业知识领导 CLA 的政府关系团队。

“The pesticide industry is facing both unprecedented challenges and unique opportunities as we work to improve the registration of pesticides, safeguard the protection of wildlife and the environment, and ensure that farmers and consumers have the tools they need to protect their crops, homes, and health,” said Chris Novak, president and CEO of CLA. “Peggy’s background and passion for agriculture, her understanding of government, and her demonstrated leadership will help CropLife continue to move industry priorities forward. As CLA works to reauthorize the Pesticide Registration Improvement Act, secure new funding for EPA, and defend our risk-based regulatory system, Peggy’s leadership skills will be invaluable in achieving the goals and objectives of our strategic plan.”

在加入 CLA 之前,Peggy 曾在美国农业部的农场服务局 (FSA) 工作——最初在俄勒冈州担任州执行董事,之后移居华盛顿特区,担任现场运营副局长。佩吉最近还在美国参议院农业、营养和林业委员会工作。 Peggy 创立并担任 Browne Consulting 的总裁兼首席执行官,在那里她与农民合作开发和管理保护项目,就水权问题、农业法案计划等向客户提供建议。她的农业经验基于她在俄勒冈州作为农民/牧场主的经历,在那里她担任俄勒冈州农场局的副总裁。