ERA 全球获奖者在华盛顿受到欢迎

WASHINGTON DC — An international delegation of distributors and retailers met in Washington DC last week to celebrate environmental stewardship as part of the annual 环保奖, 之间的协作 杜邦作物保护, 农用化学品国际 和姊妹刊 CropLife 杂志。  

More than 100 entries from around the world were judged and recognized at various levels based on the safety of their retail operations, ability to contain spills, community outreach and farmer education and service programs. Ten Ambassadors of Respect from eight different countries were chosen, along with Country Champions and Merit Winners from around the globe. FCI highlighted the 2010 World of Respect winners in our June issue. For detailed winner profiles, .  

国际尊重大使奖获得者获得华盛顿特区之旅,在那里他们参观了当地零售商、当地农场和杜邦研究设施 切萨皮克农场.代表们享受了一些闲暇时光,还乘船穿越切萨皮克湾,观看了巴尔的摩金莺队的棒球比赛。

该活动始于美国 环保奖, celebrated 20 years with an impressive speaker program that included all this year’s award winners, past winners, US lobbyists and professional organizations, as well as agriculture futurists, all of whom expect food prices to rise in the near future.

颁奖典礼在国会大厦的美国参议院一侧举行。访问 环境尊重网 了解更多报道以及有关如何参加 2011 年比赛的信息。