
成群的 沙漠蝗虫 are descending ravenously around the world. In the horn of Africa, they’re roving through croplands and flattening farms in a devastating barrage, 瑞安汤普森报道 欧洲新闻.专家表示,该事件对该地区的粮食安全构成了前所未有的威胁。

成群结队的吃掉了沿途的一切,摧毁了整片农田,种植园主只能惊恐和沮丧地看着。自今年年初以来,蝗虫群也出现在 印度, Yemen, and Argentina and they’re now threatening to spill over to Paraguay, Uruguay, and Brazil.

这种微小的生物繁殖迅速,一旦飞到空中,它们就更难控制了:成群的蝗虫每天可以移动 200 公里。联合国粮农组织高级蝗虫预报官基思·克雷斯曼告诉记者 欧洲新闻 that “extremely good weather conditions” have allowed the creatures to breed and multiply very rapidly.

Last month, Brazil’s agriculture declared a crop emergency in two southern states amid the possibility that a cloud of locusts could enter the country.

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