2011 年尊敬大使:中东/非洲地区

Merhav 农业有限公司
阿维巴鲁克, avi_b@gadot.com

高度多样化的气候和土壤条件以及复杂的农业研发活动使以色列从中东其他国家中脱颖而出,并为 Merhav Agro Ltd 的运营经理 Avi Baruch 和他的员工提供了一个专注的使命。

Established in 1950, Merhav Agro is one of Israel’s leading suppliers of crop protection products, plant growth regulators and seeds. The company services distributors, grower associations, private growers and research institutes and is devoted to developing markets and applications for new and existing products with a view toward the future needs of Israeli agriculture.


“We have the largest team of agronomists in the country,” says Baruch. “Our people are out in the fields all the time promoting herbicides, insecticides and fungicides that are less harmful to the environment.”


“We strive to maintain our goal of bringing not only the best products but also the best methods and teaching to the broad agricultural community in Israel,” Baruch says.