2011 年尊敬大使:安第斯地区

Farmex SA

Farmex is a key distributor of chemicals, seed and fertilizer in Peru, as well as herbicides, insecticides and fungicides. Products are processed and mixed entirely under roof, and pesticide containers are pressure-rinsed at the mix site and recycled.

安全和应急响应程序方面的培训非常广泛,包括火灾和泄漏控制的现场演示以及在发生事故时使用的特定医疗程序。 Farmex 还举办客户会议,以教育他们销售的产品的最终用户。

“At Farmex, we believe in sustainable development, looking for a balance between the economic, social and environmental aspects of business,” says Alberto Ojeda Pino, plant manager. “In order to achieve this, we’ve implemented OHSAS 18001 as a part of our integrated management system.” This certification pairs with Farmex’s high-quality ISO 9001 system, for which they have already certified for 10 years.

“Farmex’s message to the community centers around the promotion of the development of the agricultural sector,” says Ojeda Pino, “and this is a part of living out our vision and mission.”