
杜邦已收购 Pannar Seed (Pty) Limited 的多数股权,这是一家总部位于南非的种子公司,业务遍及非洲和世界其他地区。

杜邦先锋和 Pannar 正在合作提高非洲种子行业研究和创新的步伐和范围。 Pioneer 将保留 Pannar 品牌,并将发展 Pioneer 和 Pannar 品牌和业务。

DuPont Pioneer President Paul E. Schickler said, “The partnership between Pioneer and Pannar is beneficial on many levels. It represents growth opportunities for both businesses, for employees, and for the productivity of small-scale and commercial farmers who form the backbone of Africa’s economy and who will feed the continent’s rapidly growing middle class and increasing population.”

The majority-share acquisition will allow each business to access additional crop areas, reach more customers and deliver improved seed products to farmers. Pannar receives access to the Pioneer genetics library and its maize breeding and biotechnology capabilities. Pioneer will tap into Pannar’s expertise and reach across Africa, and its maize genetics developed specifically for the region.

“This is good news for Pannar customers, for our employees and for Africa,” said Brian Corbishley, Pannar chairman. “This partnership will ensure long-term growth as we deliver improved products to farmers in South Africa and across the continent.”


“One of the key outcomes of the partnership will be the establishment of a world-class technology hub for Africa through which South Africa will become a center of innovation in seed breeding,” said Schickler.

Pioneer 承诺到 2017 年投资 $6 百万,用于在南非建立一个服务该地区的技术中心,类似于它在巴西、印度和中国建立的研究中心。该中心将包括一个位于南非和非洲大陆的研究设施和测试地点网络,南非德尔马斯将作为该网络的技术中心。该网络将使用领先的研发技术来缩短育种周期并提高育种目标的准确性,例如双单倍体、耳光度测定和专有的 Pioneer Accelerated Yield Technology 或 AYT 系统,以及诸如标记辅助选择等遗传育种技术。

“A critical benefit of this partnership will be the newly energized product pipelines for Pioneer and Pannar that will flow from combining the companies’ complementary germplasm pools and leveraging the expanded research infrastructure and network under a unified research strategy,” said Schickler.

该技术中心将整合关键的 Pioneer 和 Pannar 研究和测试地点、组合种质(或植物遗传资源集合)人才和经验,以改善非洲的品种育种和开发。随着非洲技术中心与先锋全球研发网络的连接,数据共享和分析将提升到一个新的水平。研究工作将支持 Pioneer 和 Pannar 目前维持育种计划的所有作物,包括玉米、向日葵、高粱、饲料高粱、小麦、干豆和大豆。

Pioneer 目前每年与六家学术机构合作——四家在美国,两家在国际——举办植物育种研讨会,以促进研究技能的发展。从 2014 年开始,Pioneer 计划增加一个由南非机构主办的额外教育育种研讨会。 Pioneer 还在为非洲植物育种者开发额外的奖学金和奖学金机会。

Pannar 与南非的学术机构进行合作研究,并与非洲其他国家的各种公共和私人机构密切合作。除了主要旨在吸引学生进入农业科学多学科领域的奖学金计划外,它还提供内部技能发展培训。

非洲有 8600 万英亩(3500 万公顷)可用于玉米生产,是提高生产力的重要机会。平均粮食单产不到每公顷 2 吨,约为其他发展中地区的三分之一,仅为发达国家的五分之一。此外,玉米种子需求强劲且不断增长。仅在南非,杂交玉米种子的年销售总额约为 $3.5 亿。
