
非洲通过南南合作从中国农业转型中获益巨大, 联合国(UN)粮食及农业组织(FAO)官员告诉新华社.

粮农组织非洲区域办事处南南合作项目官员 Peter Atimka Anadumba 表示,多年来,中国已证明是撒哈拉以南非洲地区农业转型的主要可靠合作伙伴。

周二,在国家首都阿克拉以西约 158 公里的埃尔米纳 (Elmina) 举行的为期五天的非洲区域知识共享研讨会上,他在接受采访时发表了上述讲话,该研讨会旨在促进高效水稻种植。

“China is a major player when it comes to South-South cooperation in Africa. It’s a major partner of FAO. When you look at the Africa region, China gave a grant to FAO in 2009 of about 30 million dollars and recently 50 million dollars, making it 80 million dollars and these funds that they provided are available to support African countries in sub-Saharan Africa to access for them to receive technical expertise from China,” he said.


“China, for example, has been working in Liberia. Now, Liberia rice production stands at about seven million tons. We did deploy about 500 experts.
