
Production of both maize and sugarcane is forecast to be increasing thanks to favorable conditions in Zimbabwe this season. Most parts of the country have received normal to above normal rainfall, reports the US Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agriculture Service (USDA-FAS). The southeastern part of the country (Manicaland, Masvingo and Matebeleland South provinces) has suffered a mid-season drought that has severely reduced yield potential in the affected areas. With maize production estimated at between 800,000 and 900,000 metric tons (MT) the country faces another food deficit after the harvest in May 2006, even though the 900,000 MT target is substantially better than the 550,000 MT harvested in 2004.

投入品短缺(包括种子、肥料和农用化学品)、除草劳动力短缺(特别是在较小的商业农场)、养分流失以及商品价格和市场受控,所有这些都导致本季产量低于全国理论需求量约为 180 万吨。

与 2005/06 年度的 330 万公吨相比,津巴布韦 2006/07 年度的甘蔗产量预计为 350 万公吨,这主要也是由于主要种植区的有利生长条件。与 2005/06 年度的 42,589 公顷相比,2006/07 年度甘蔗种植面积略微增加 5% 至 44,794 公顷。与上一年度的 475,000 吨相比,这应该会生产 491,000 吨糖。