Koppert 扩大其在非洲的活动

领先的生物防治生产商 Koppert Biological Systems 通过在西非科特迪瓦阿比让共和国开设一家新子公司,扩大了其在非洲的业务。这家园艺和农业生物解决方案生产商现在在北非、东非和南部非洲设有业务中心。以象牙海岸为中心的西非中心将把公司的业务从北部的塞内加尔扩展到东南部的喀麦隆。它是全球公司的第 27 家子公司。

“Having successfully registered a range of Koppert’s biocontrol products in Ivory Coast, we can now proceed to position ourselves in the market, test, and introduce products to growers in West Africa,” says Business Unit Manager for the Middle East and Africa, Yosef Ouhlous. “Our focus will initially be on the large tropical fruit producers, but will also extend to smallholders to help them to increase their yields and provide food security.”

上周在阿比让举行的 SARA 农业博览会上,Ouhlous 在子公司的发布会上说,最大的挑战是通过向种植者提供生物解决方案和生物刺激素来鼓励他们减少化学杀虫剂和人造肥料的使用。

“While in Europe, it is often consumers themselves who demand residue free products and safe food, in African countries it is usually the authorities who feel the need to promote biological alternatives for crop protection,” Yosef explains. “It’s very much from the top down in this part of the world.”

热带水果对 Koppert Biological Systems 来说是一个相对较新的市场,尽管它在南美和东南亚积累了大量专业知识。该公司在过去三年中一直在开拓西非市场,最初将与当地经销商合作。它还将与其他公司合作,并与当地大学和研究所密切合作。

“The consumption of tropical fruit, both locally and for the export market, is increasing rapidly, which makes it a very interesting sector for Koppert to work in,” Ouhlous adds.