AgriThority 在澳大利亚和新西兰扩展服务

AgriThority 是一家农业科学咨询公司,专注于加速新技术在全球市场的商业化,通过与本土公司 Imtrade Australia 的战略合作伙伴关系,增强其为澳大利亚和新西兰客户提供的产品和市场开发服务。

该合作伙伴关系将 Imtrade 的本地客户管理和经验与 AgriThority 在产品和领域开发、业务开发以及战略业务和产品规划方面的全球专业知识相结合。通过合作,AgriThority 和 Imtrade 将利用各自的优势与大洋洲地区的公司合作,开发农艺和园艺作物、畜牧业和相关行业的新兴技术。

Agribusiness professional Andrew Alexander, of Imtrade, will lead development projects and market access business in Australia and New Zealand for AgriThority. He serves as the local representative to connect companies ranging from start-up, new technology ventures to multinational basic manufacturers with AgriThority’s global network to deliver a full range of regulatory, science and market access services.

Andrew Alexander 在公司和独立分销渠道的销售、客户关系和销售管理方面拥有超过 20 年的经验。他因通过有效的团队领导、增加产品分销和商业管理成功推动客户增长而受到认可。

“This innovative partnership with Imtrade allows AgriThority to provide a higher level of services to new and established clients in Australia and New Zealand,” says Jerry Duff, AgriThority President and Founder. “We’re excited to work with Andrew and Imtrade to commercialize the region’s cutting-edge technologies and introduce them to a wider audience.”

AgriThority 和 Imtrade 将指导客户完成产品开发过程,以确定本地和全球市场需求,为其技术确定最佳市场,并有效地规划和创造他们的商业化道路。
