
印度部分地区类似干旱的情况促使政府建议采取应急作物措施。在过去的一周里,该国收到了比正常季风高出 1% 的雨水,但这些州的降雨不足继续保持在 60-70% 的范围内。

The agriculture ministry has earmarked 175 lakh hectares – about 16% of the country’s cultivated land — to be put under the contingency plan on priority basis. It has also arranged for the distribution of short-duration variety seeds of various crops, including paddy, bajra, castor, sunflower, urad, til, soybean and other pulses for distribution in the most affected states: Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.

约 40% 的耕地面积处于灌溉状态,良好的季风对农业极为重要。通常在 7 月 15 日之后生效的应急计划有助于减少作物损失和农民的压力。

As per the second estimate of the India Meteorological Department, rain during the June to September season is likely to be 96% of the Long Period Average (LPA). But, the storage level of water in 84 key reservoirs is 67% of last year’s levels, and that causes concern. This worry is further aggravated by the meteorology department’s statement that “there is also substantial probability (36%) for emergence of weak EL Nino conditions during later part of the monsoon season.”

It’s good that the ministry has ensured the availability of seeds as well, said Ashok Gulati, chairman, Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP). The government should focus on drawing drought-proof plans rather than contingency plans. In India 60% of the land is rain-fed.


由于季风降雨不足,农业投入品公司正感受到当季销售额暴跌 30%-50% 的压力,主要集中在肥料和杀菌剂领域。

卡纳塔克邦和马哈拉施特拉邦受到严重影响,整体降雨不足已定为 23%。在季风季节进行的季风播种占农业投入供应商收入的很大一部分,因为在这个季节种植水稻、豆类、棉花、烟草、花生等主要作物。干旱是前所未有的。这是在磷肥价格上涨的基础上发生的,这对小农造成了沉重打击。

Zuari Industries 是化肥、杀菌剂和除草剂的主要生产商,营销总监 SV Sreenivasa Rao 表示,本季销售额下降了近 30%。自从引入基于营养的补贴以来,磷肥的价格一直在飙升。磷酸二铵 (DAP) 的价格上涨了一倍以上。

许多农民转而使用更便宜的尿素,这导致土壤条件失衡。 Rao 说,降雨不足只会使情况恶化,并补充说未来几周的大雨不会抵消现在遭受的损失,因为破坏已经造成。




为了平衡较低的单产,玉米、稻谷、花生、葵花籽和大豆的农作物价格已经上涨了两位数。内政部长 P. Chidambaram 表示,增幅是根据农业成本和价格委员会的建议作出的。



The Exim Bank of India, in its report “Technological Interventions in Indian Agriculture for enhancement of Crop Productivity” indicated crop yield per hectare in India is significantly lower than the world average. The yield of rice is less than one-third of China. Seed quality, soil degradation, lack of mechanization etc. are some of the reason for low crop yield.

今年印度棉花种植面积可能减少约9%。由于上季出口政策反复变化,棉价波动较大。棉花出口禁令实施后,价格暴跌至每公担不到 $60。农民正计划转种收益更高的作物,如瓜尔豆、大豆和花生。因此,库存水平 基于BT的 棉籽可能会大幅增加。

This year India had record production of food grain. The grain stock with the Government procuring agencies has reached an “unprecedented level.” This is causing storage problem, particularly as monsoon is setting in. Encouraged by record production of food grain during last two years, the government will supply 14.18 quintal of quality seeds this sowing season, compared with the demand of 12.96 million quintal.

2011-12 年期间,印度生产了 3536 万公担种子。预计未来两年印度种子产业将增长 50%,达到 $3 亿。

As per the recent estimate of the Directorate of Cashew and Cocoa Development Board, cocoa production in India during the current year is likely to exceed last year’s production of 12,900 tonnes.

随着价值 $150 亿美元的巧克力市场不断增长,印度对可可的需求也在稳步增长。目前,印度进口可可占其总需求量的一半。