
戊唑醇, 粉唑醇, 代森锰锌, 多菌灵
六嗪酮, 毒蕈碱, 2,4-D, 草甘膦, 烟嘧磺隆
吡虫啉, 拉姆达-氯氟氰菊酯
百草枯二氯化物, 助壮素
苯丁锡氧化物, 阿维菌素

*Tebuconazole and hexazinone have more than 10 technical product registration approvals.

戊唑醇, 粉唑醇, 多菌灵
六嗪酮, 毒蕈碱, 2,4-D, 草甘膦, 敌草隆, 灭螨灵
吡虫啉, 拉姆达-氯氟氰菊酯, 毒死蜱,
乙酰甲胺磷, 氟虫腈, 除虫脲

*草甘膦、戊唑醇、乙酰甲胺磷、氟虫腈、吡虫啉、阿维菌素、2,4-D 和赛克津各有 10 多个正在进行的提交。

2009 年的全球压力再大不过了:金融危机、大宗商品价格下跌、消费下降、货币兑美元贬值以及其他因素导致了不稳定、不确定性和衰退。这些危机对阿根廷和乌克兰等一些农业国家产生了深远影响,这些国家也受到天气现象的影响。

Brazil was affected, too, but to a much lesser extent. Brazilian agriculture accounts for 26.46% of the country’s gross domestic product, and 2009 numbers are expected to be about 7% lower (in relation to GDP) compared to forecasts. However, the most recent estimate of harvested crops in 2009 is 140.9 million tons or 2.3% more than the previous year.

2009 年农药登记放缓

农业产量增长主要是由于出口增加,尽管收入因 2008 年商品价格有利后商品价格下跌而下降。烟草逆势而上,这在很大程度上是由于美元走强压低了当地货币的价值.

Because of the importance of agribusiness to the Brazilian economy, it is important to minimize supply chain disruptions that could damage one of the most lucrative national businesses. The government’s approval of post-patent pesticides has enabled the entry of new companies into Brazil and has bolstered the product offerings of companies that already operate the country.

如今,化肥公司看到了一些重大机遇。该板块虽然有500多家企业,但原材料来源多为进口。 2008年巴西进口营养素1700万吨,总额约$100亿美元。

由于大部分化肥供应来自俄罗斯,两国政府正在评估一种权衡:农业商品的化肥技术。巴西政府参股的巴西矿业巨头Vale do Rio Doce投资$57亿收购俄罗斯化肥企业股份。为了保护当地市场,巴西制造商正在游说对来自乌克兰和俄罗斯的硝酸铵征收反倾销税。


Given Brazil’s reputation for agriculture productivity and efficiency around the world, the country is now starting to export some its technology and know-how. Brazil signed an agreement with African countries (Benin, Burkina Faso, Chad and Mali) to transfer technology for cultivating cotton. Brazil also has a deal with Angola to assist in the cultivation of beans, rice, corn, soybeans and vegetables. Other projects refer to sugarcane and milling. Brazilian companies are important to soybean and rice growers in Uruguay, Argentina, Paraguay and Bolivia. These are also creating an increased demand for pesticides.

A notable highlight of the Brazilian agriculture industry is sugarcane, which produces about 16% of the country’s energy source. The success Brazil has enjoyed in refining sugarcane has made it an international commodity, especially as more countries set green energy policies that mandate fuel blending without the refining capacity or expertise to produce enough to meet the mandates.

Cargill、Bunge、ADM、LDC、Sojitz、Mitsui、Itochu等实力雄厚的外资集团正在大力投资收购,合计占有12.3%的甘蔗研磨份额。 2010 年 2 月,壳牌石油巨头和 Cosan(一家本地磨坊主和甘蔗研磨的世界领导者)签署了一项协议,建立一家价值 $120 亿美元的合资企业,从事乙醇生产、糖、能源、供应、分销和燃料销售。 2008年,Cosan从埃克森美孚手中收购了巴西的燃料分销网络,其中包括1,500个加油站,业务为$826百万。

庄稼  耕地面积 (公顷)  Key Benefits  生长地 
蔬菜  700,000  更高的价格,更短的付款期限  靠近大城市 
烟草  377,000  无信用风险  Southern region 
橡胶树  150,000  60% 盈利能力  圣保罗州 60% 
重新造林  600万  稳定市场  66% 三种状态 
花艺  5,200  更高的价格,更短的付款期限   集中区 
苹果  38,800  更高的价格,更短的付款期限   南部地区 

巴西的另一个亮点是其对转基因生物 (GMO) 的快速采用和推广。政府最近发布了一项农业政策,寻求 40% 玉米成为转基因技术,并且已经在其种植面积的三分之二种植转基因大豆。


尽管该行业的各个部分都取得了成功,但巴西也面临着挑战。不到 6% 的耕地得到灌溉,拖拉机和农业设备的价格是其他农业成熟国家成本的两倍,巴西缺乏使其产量最大化的储存基础设施。这些不足可能会为企业家在这些领域发展业务创造机会。

2009年农药市场价值(美元)比2008年下降8%,按本币计算基本稳定,增长1%。虽然杀菌剂有 16.9% 的可观增长,主要是大豆,但由于草甘膦的国际价格下跌,除草剂拉低了平均水平。

