
孟山都公司的子公司 The Climate Corporation 在 Farms.com 精准农业大会上宣布,将在 2018 年生长季向加拿大西部推出 Climate FieldView 数字农业平台。

“With Climate’s analytics-based digital tools, more Canadian farmers will be able to harness their data in one connected platform to identify and more efficiently manage variability in their fields, tailoring crop inputs to optimize yield and maximize their return on every acre,” the company said.

2016年9月,公司首次 宣布 在加拿大东部引入 Climate FieldView 平台,近 100 万英亩土地上的数百名农民已经体验到数据驱动的数字工具在其运营中的价值。现在,马尼托巴省、萨斯喀彻温省和阿尔伯塔省的农民将能够使用 Climate FieldView 平台来发现个性化的田间洞察力,以支持他们在每个季节做出的许多关键决策,以提高作物生产力。

“Climate FieldView 平台是一个简单的田间数据管理的一站式商店,可帮助加拿大农民充分利用每一英亩土地,”气候公司加拿大业务负责人 Denise Hockaday 说。 “通过提供该平台强大的数据分析和定制的田间洞察力,加拿大各地的农民能够比以往更精确地调整他们的农艺实践,微调他们的行动计划以在季节结束时取得最佳结果。”

在过去的一年里,Climate FieldView 平台在加拿大西部的许多农场运营中进行了强大的测试,使气候团队能够进一步开发该平台与所有类型的农场设备和作物(包括油菜和小麦)的兼容性,以收集和分析来自多个来源的现场数据。

“数据面临的部分挑战是管理所有数字并拥有足够的云系统来存储和有效地分析信息,”艾伯塔省的农民 D'Arcy Hilgartner 说,他在本季的作业中参与了 Climate FieldView 平台的测试.

“Climate FieldView 平台立即将从我的农场设备收集的田间数据传输到我的 Climate FieldView 帐户,这在收获季节特别有用,因为我能够看到各种作物投入的使用情况并分析相应的产量。我真的很喜欢这个数字平台供我使用,我很高兴看到来年它对我的业务产生的积极影响。”

随着 Climate 继续扩展其数字技术以帮助更多农民获得先进的农艺洞察力,更多的新数据层将为公司无与伦比的研发引擎提供动力,最终能够在 Climate FieldView 平台上为农民开发有价值的新功能。 2017年8月,公司  宣布 通过公司强大的创新管道加速研发进步,以及新产品功能和增强功能,以帮助农民比以往更精确地管理他们的田间可变性。 Climate FieldView 平台于 2015 年推出,占地超过 1.2 亿英亩,在美国、加拿大和巴西拥有超过 100,000 名用户。它已迅速成为业内连接最广泛的平台,并继续扩展到新的全球区域。

加拿大西部的 Climate FieldView 平台产品 
数据连接– Farmers can collect, store and visualize their field data in one easy-to-use digital platform through the Climate FieldView Drive,一种可以轻松地将现场数据直接传输到 Climate FieldView 平台的设备。 FieldView Drive 与加拿大各地的许多拖拉机和联合收割机以及无水施药器和空气播种机配合使用,帮助农民轻松收集他们在整个季节管理的农艺投入的田间数据。最近,气候公司 宣布 a new data connectivity agreement with AGCO, providing more farmers even more options to connect their equipment to the Climate FieldView platform. In addition to the FieldView Drive, farmers can connect their field data to their Climate FieldView account through Precision Planting LLC’s monitors, cloud-to-cloud connection with other agricultural software systems such as the John Deere Operations Center, and through manual file upload.

收益分析工具 – With Climate’s seed performance and analysis tools, farmers can see what worked and what didn’t at the field level or by field zone, and apply those insights to better understand field variability by quickly and easily comparing digital field maps side-by-side. Farmers can save regions of their fields in a yield-by-region report and can also save and record a field region report through enhanced drawing and note taking tools, retrieving the report at a later date for easy analysis on any portion of their field to better understand how their crops are performing.

高级现场健康图像 – Through frequent and consistent, high-quality satellite imagery, farmers can instantly visualize and analyze crop performance, helping them identify issues early, prioritize scouting and take action early to protect yield. Climate’s proprietary imagery process provides consistent imagery quality and frequency by using high-resolution imagery with vegetative data from multiple images, in addition to advanced cloud identification. Farmers can also drop geo-located scouting pins on field health images and navigate back to those spots for a closer look, or share with agronomic partners.

播种和生育脚本 – Farmers can manage their inputs to optimize yield in every part of their field with manual variable rate seed and fertility scripting tools. Through Climate’s manual seed scripting tools, farmers can easily create detailed planting plans for
他们的领域构建针对他们独特目标量身定制的混合特定处方,从而节省时间并提高生产力。此外,Climate 还提供手动肥力脚本工具,使农民能够通过针对其独特目标量身定制的氮、磷、钾和石灰管理计划来优化他们的投入。

2018 年供货情况和定价

Climate FieldView 平台目前可以在加拿大西部以每英亩的价格购买,这样农民就可以在 2018 年的生长季节及时开始在他们的农场使用它。要在整个生长季节体验该平台的全部价值,农民应在 2018 年 1 月 1 日之前注册一个 Climate FieldView 帐户。