2012 年年中美国乙醇生产放缓

根据 Phillips McDougall 的一份报告,美国的干旱导致玉米价格大幅上涨,导致乙醇产量下降。

美国的产量逐年持续增长,2011 年产量达到创纪录的 139 亿加仑。但是,取消对混合乙醇燃料的补贴侵蚀了利润。


In the past, the profitability of ethanol production could be assessed by comparing the price of corn with the prices of the competing technology, oil.  In 2008, the prices of all three commodities – natural gas, oil, and corn – were in equilibrium and profitable ethanol production was sustained. But toward the end of the year with a tightening of economic conditions, oil price declined significantly, well below the price of corn, which cut the use of corn for ethanol production, according to the report.

Overall, USDA projects U.S. maize production to fall 13.2% in 2012 from 2011 to 10.7 billion bushels –almost as low as in 2006 when the U.S. ethanol sector was just starting to expand.

2007 年美国能源独立和安全法案要求到 2022 年生产 360 亿美加仑的乙醇。玉米和其他谷物乙醇预计将占总量的 150 亿加仑或 41.6%,其中 210 亿美制来自纤维素和生物质来源的加仑。

实际上,已强制要求使用玉米生产 150 亿加仑的乙醇。 2011 年,美国生产了 138 亿加仑乙醇,当时的产能为 148 亿加仑。显然,2012 年乙醇产量不会达到这个水平。

然而,预计 2013 年玉米种植面积将显着增加,并且只要天气条件更加正常,玉米产量的显着增加和商品价格的下降可能导致 2014 年乙醇产量接近这一法定限额。


资料来源:Phillips McDougall,由在线编辑 Stefanie Valentic 编辑