美国国家棉花委员会就 WTO 裁决发表讲话

NCC stated that if press reports are true, the WTO panel’s findings are out of touch with facts in the world cotton market.

"US actions already taken to comply with the first WTO Panel ruling have had a significant impact on US cotton and US cotton producers," NCC said. "Since Congress eliminated cotton’s Step 2 program, US cotton acreage is down 28% for 2007; US exports have declined significantly; and US production is predicted to be only around 17 million bales in 2007, the lowest since 2002. It cannot be argued any payments under domestic support programs are causing any country serious prejudice in 2007."

“令人难以理解的是,在国际棉花市场强劲的情况下,世贸组织专家组会做出对美国严重偏见的裁决;采购量将超过产量;世界价格上涨;除美国外,世界上几乎所有地方的种植面积都在增加, “NCC 说。
