Rabobank Ag 调查显示可持续农业在美国居高不下

农业金融解决方案提供商和全球金融服务领导者的一项调查 荷兰合作银行 发现近 70% 接受调查的美国农民和牧场主已采取措施实施可持续农业实践, 美通社 报道。 Rabobank’s Farm & Ranch Survey 据透露,四分之三的美国农民都知道可持续的做法,而且大多数人都使用了直接播种、尽量减少化学品的使用或采用轮作。

“Sustainability is an increasing priority among consumers as well as for many areas of industry and commerce, and this survey shows that US farmers and ranchers share that view,” said John Ryan, president and CEO for Rabo AgriFinance. “Sustainable agricultural practices are the cornerstone of long-term strategy for success.”

在中北部和南部地区,收入较高的农场(每年超过美国 $1 百万)已采取措施实现可持续农业(中北部:89% 与 67% 的低收入农场;南部:97% 与 65% 的低收入农场).直接播种在南部和北部中部(分别为 64% 和 61%,而西部为 44%)和大面积农场(1,000 英亩或以上为 75%,小于 1,000 英亩为 52%)也更为普遍。与中北部 (29%) 相比,西部 (45%) 的能源使用减少更为普遍。

The study was conducted to gauge farmers’ confidence among target farming regions in the US. An independent survey company conducted 458 computer-assisted telephone interviews from Feb. 2-11, 2009. The survey targeted farmers who own or operate a farm grossing $250,000 or more in one of three US census regions: Midwest, South, and West. A baseline survey conducted in 2008 was used as comparison for this survey.