印度、巴基斯坦准备应对 27 年来最严重的蝗灾

In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, India and Pakistan are battling another crisis — their worst locust attack in nearly three decades, 报告 日经亚洲评论. 这些飞虫从邻国巴基斯坦以一波沙漠蜂群的形式越过印度,席卷了该国的几个地区,并威胁要破坏农作物。

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi noted in a Sunday radio address that many parts of the country have been affected by locust attacks, adding that efforts are on to help farmers and reduce crop losses by using modern techniques to tackle the crisis. “I am sure that together not only will we be able to battle out this crisis that is looming on our agricultural sector, but also manage to salvage our crops,” Modi said.



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