
为了增加其生物燃料计划,总部位于印度孟买的 塔塔化学公司 will invest US$17 million in JOil, a Singapore-based jatropha seedling company. Under terms of the agreement, Tata will gain exclusive marketing rights for jatropha seedlings in East Africa and India, while securing a preferential price for seedlings used in Tata’s own jatropha cultivation.

可以在荒地上种植的麻风树被用作生产生物柴油的起始原料。 JOil 开发的麻风树幼苗比其他品种更早生产,产量更高。

Tata Chemicals is also expanding its biodiesel program through two new operations in India – the company is currently building a bioethanol plant in Nanded, and acquired land in Madurai earlier this year to begin construction on a biodiesel pilot plant.