
棉花顾问兼分析师 Aziz Shah

According to the Pakistan Cotton Ginners’ Association, the production of seed cotton has reached about 14.4 million bales as of March 2012. Almost 13.5 million of those bales have already been sold in the domestic or international markets, leaving an unsold stock of about one million bales. That level of production is the highest in Pakistan’s history, and there are still about 500,000 bales that could arrive in the next month, which would elevate the total production to about 15 million bales for the 2011/12 season.

Variance by province was unusually high, compared with last year’s production numbers. Sindh produced 29.8% less cotton – while Punjab produced 51.9% more – than they did the previous year. The main reason for record-high production in Punjab is the expanded use of 基于BT的 种子,本赛季表现良好,明年应该会取得同样的成绩。

如果使用 基于BT的 种子增加,明年旁遮普邦的情况可能会更好。如果通过使用转基因种子实现每公顷产量的增加,那么明年可能会增加 200 万到 250 万包的棉花出口量。