
日本外务省于10月1日举行了反假冒贸易协定(ACTA)的正式签字仪式。根据 CropLife International 最近的一份声明,ACTA 将加强知识产权 (IP) 执法标准,帮助全球打击假冒产品。


“The crop protection industry commends the international commitment to ACTA,” said Howard Minigh, President and CEO of CropLife International in a statement. “Strong and united enforcement of intellectual property laws helps to prevent the sale of illegal pesticides to unsuspecting farmers.”


“Counterfeit crop protection products are not only an IP violation, they present a serious food safety, environment and human health risk,” said Minigh in a statement. “Since these unregulated products do not undergo safety or efficacy testing, they can destroy harvests, present a health and safety risk for farmers and create environmental hazards.”


据 CropLife 报道,为了应对假冒产品和固有风险,植物科学行业成立了一个反假冒工作组,与国际执法、监管和贸易当局合作。该工作组正在提高政府和监管机构对假冒和非法农药危险的认识,并帮助这些机构培训员工应对威胁。