越南咖啡产量上升 17%

US Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Services (美国农业部-FAS) reports that Vietnam’s total coffee production for 2008/09 is expected to increase by 17%. In 2007/08, production was about 13.7% less than the previous crop year resulting in export volumes down 10% from the year before.

在2007/08市场年度,越南生产了110万吨咖啡。 2008/2009 年的产量预计约为 129 万吨。这一预测是由于种植面积的预期增加以及主要咖啡种植区种植条件的改善和咖啡产量的提高。

Vietnam currently exports coffee to about 75 countries around the world, with Germany and the United States remaining the two largest buyers of Vietnam’s green coffee exports.