
印度政府已免除农业和相关活动在 Covid-19(冠状病毒)爆发后实施的持续封锁, 报告 星。 “Government has granted relaxation in the nationwide lockdown for activities related to agriculture-farming and allied activities with a view to address problems being faced by the farming community. This will also ensure uninterrupted harvesting of crops,” reads a statement issued by the federal ministry of agriculture and farmers welfare.


免于封锁的类别包括从事农产品采购的机构,农产品市场委员会经营的市场,农民和农场工人在田间的农业经营,肥料,农药和种子的制造和包装单位,以及内部和外部- 收割和播种相关机器的状态运动。

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