

This initiative was recently put forward by Vladimir Putin, Russia’s Prime Minister, due to significant crop losses, observed in the Russian agriculture this year, caused by summer heat and the following drought.

据第一副总理维克托·祖布科夫称,由于恶劣的天气条件,今年俄罗斯冬季作物的种植面积将超过 1500 万公顷,而最初计划为 1800 万公顷。在这方面,政府计划在 2011 年将春季作物种植面积增加 25%,这将需要额外的财政资源。

According to Russia’s plans, in order to secure a good harvest next year, it is necessary to provide domestic farmers with agrochemicals, prices for which in recent years have significantly increased.


Andrew Zelyatrov, chief specialist of Agrorus Company, one of Russia’s largest producers of pesticides, believes the decision will have a positive effect on the activities of the company and the Russian pesticides market as a whole.

“In recent years the Russian government has subsidized nearly all the segments of the domestic agriculture: the purchase of equipment, the construction of livestock farms, except the crop protection product,” Zelyatrov said. “Perhaps this decision will lead to increased purchases of agricultural chemicals by farmers.”

苏联解体后,俄罗斯化肥和农作物保护产品的消费量从每年 1080 万吨下降到 150 万吨,导致国家补贴几乎完全停止。

由于消费量下降,俄罗斯农用化学品制造商被迫转向新市场,尤其是海外市场,在那里他们能够占据全球市场的 10% 左右。就化肥而言,出口量约占国内总产量的 80%。


Currently, the volume of use of agrochemicals in Russia is still five times less than in 1990, while the share of fertilized area in total crop area is less than 50 percent. The application rate of fertilizers in Russia is estimated at 27-30 kg, far less than Europe’s rate of 250 kg per hectare.

