
非营利组织Knowledge4Innovation(K4I)的大会最近选举欧洲作物保护协会(ECPA)总干事Friedhelm Schmider为主席。

Knowledge4Innovation (K4I) 是一个非营利、独立的多方利益相关者平台,汇集了来自不同欧洲协会、公共和私人组织的成员、学术代表和政策制定者,其共同目标是在欧洲决策中促进科学。 ECPA 是其创始成员之一。

“For the R&D crop protection industry, innovation is imperative, not only to provide the best possible solutions to combat and keep pace with the evolving pest and plant diseases, but also to fight against the rise of resistance problems,” Schmider said during his acceptance speech. “Crop protection is and has to be innovative to its core if it is to deliver the needed efficient tools.”

根据 ECPA 的数据,作物保护行业在研发方面非常活跃,其销售额的 10% 用于开发新产品。欧洲农业需要持续的研发投资,如果要保持竞争力,推广创新驱动型农业是关键。

资源: 欧洲作物保护协会,由内容编辑 Stefanie A. Toth 编辑