
Romania is rapidly adopting European legislation as the country approaches integration with the EU, according to a report from the US Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agriculture Service (USDA-FAS). Legislation on food additives, food flavors, pesticides and residues, food contaminants, organic products, and biotech products has all been amended during the past year, as authorities are determined to move more quickly toward full EU accession, scheduled for 2007. Some of the regulations will be enforced at the moment of accession, while others will be enforced beforehand.


由兽医和食品安全局发布并随后通过 82/2005 号命令进行修订的第 147/2004 号命令确定了动物源性产品中可接受的农药最大残留水平 (MRL)。 Veterinary Order 54/2005 转换了欧盟法规 2005/34/CE,该法规规定了动物源产品中某些残留物的测试标准,以及适用于不符合欧盟法规的货物的措施。根据该规定,如果分析测试的结果达到或高于兽医命令 51/2005(转用决定 2002/657/EC)规定的最低要求性能限值 (MRPL),则有关货物将被视为不符合要求与罗马尼亚法律。

直到 2006 年 10 月 1 日,当 EC 规则 882/2004 将被执行时,罗马尼亚当局将扣留不合格的货物,并将命令将此类货物销毁或重新发往罗马尼亚境外(只要符合某些同意标准)。

农业部颁布的 505/2005 号令规定了植物和植物产品的最大残留限量。该法规包括一份植物源产品清单和每种产品的可接受最大残留限量。食品链中不接受检测到残留物超过这些限制的产品。

The main piece of legislation regulating biotechnology in Romania, Law 214 of April 19, 2002, which amended Ordinance 49/2000 on obtaining, testing, utilization, and commercialization of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) as well as products derived from GMOs is still in place. However, it has been amended through Order 606/2005 of Ministry of Environment approving the format for presentation of results for releasing GMO plants for other purposes than commercialization. The second piece of legislation amending Law 214/2002 is Order 838/2005 of Ministry of Environment regarding the implementation of the Annex 12.2 “Monitoring Plan.”

Two other pieces of legislation relevant to biotech-related issues — Decision 106/February 2002 on labeling food derived from GMOs or containing genetically modified additives or derived from GMOs, and Order 462/2003 issued by Minister of Agriculture, Forests and Rural Development with provisions for tracing biotech products — are both still valid.

此外,环境部批准了第 923/2005 号命令(转换指令 2001/18/EC),定义了关于将转基因生物作为产品或在产品中投放市场的摘要通知。通知人应填写并提交给环境部的简要通知,以罗马尼亚语和英语两种语言的硬拷贝和电子拷贝。


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