Corteva 在匈牙利开设多作物、多用途研究中心

Corteva Agriscience 拥有 宣布 它在位于匈牙利塞格德的多作物和多用途研究中心统一并增强了其种子和作物保护研究能力。该中心是 Corteva Agriscience 研发团队成员协作的中心,为欧洲和世界各地的农民开发突破性和可持续的农业解决方案。

总投资190万美元,新整合 塞格德中心 is one of Corteva’s largest multi-crop, multipurpose research centers in Europe. The new location employs 34 people, including eight scientists, who focus on innovation in seed and crop protection.

The plant breeding team housed at Szeged is responsible for corn and sunflower breeding and product development of Corteva’s elite germplasm. The team develops hybrids with advanced yield potential and agronomic qualities, including heat stress tolerance, a prevalent condition in continental Europe. The team’s prior breeding work has contributed to many market-shaping products, including Pioneer brand ExpressSun herbicide-tolerant sunflower hybrids, high-oleic sunflower seeds and the market-leading Pioneer brand Optimum AQUAmax corn product line. The team’s parent characterization capabilities and production research activities also support Corteva’s seed production facility in nearby Szarvas.

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