ECPA 对欧盟的裁决感到不满

根据 欧洲作物保护协会 (ECPA) 对最近的 欧盟 关于作物保护产品的决定,特别是关于引入新的基于危害的活性成分拒绝标准,这将使已安全使用多年的安全产品从市场上消失。

在一份新闻稿中,ECPA 总干事 Friedhelm Schmider 表示,该协议将对欧洲许多农作物的生产产生重大负面影响。

"Just because a product has hazardous properties does not mean it is dangerous. Proper risk evaluations of products are required to determine this, taking the dose and actual use into consideration – just as coffee and alcohol are hazardous at high doses, normal use poses no risk to health. At a time when the global population is worried about high food prices, the current proposal will make it more difficult for European farmers to continue producing high quality food at affordable prices," he said.

"European consumers say that they want more affordable, fresh fruit and vegetables that are produced locally. The result of the current decision will mean more expensive and more imported food," he continued.

ECPA 对截止标准感到不满,该标准是讨论和争议的主要因素 欧盟委员会 (EC) proposal, were not included in the EC’s own official impact assessment for this proposal, and ECPA has requested that their full impact be independently evaluated.

Dr. Schmider added, "We understand that the Commission does not agree with the ECPA evaluation of the situation and that it believes that adequate solutions will be at hand. However, this is in contradiction to the evaluations that have been recently carried out by independent institutes and government authorities."