ECPA 欢迎欧盟裁决

ECPA said in a release that the group welcomes the Agriculture Committee’s "common-sense approach" of encouraging further risk reduction measures, rather than implementing arbitrary quantitative reduction targets on the use of plant protection products. ECPA’s Senior Manager for Agriculture and Environmental Policy, Claudia Michel, stated that "We are pleased that the Agriculture Committee placed higher importance on further risk reduction, and we believe that improving knowledge on the safe and sustainable use of plant protection products contributes to this goal."

委员会还拒绝了对化学植物保护产品征收一般税的呼吁。 ECPA 表示,引入新税会增加生产成本,危及欧洲农业部门的竞争力。

ECPA also welcomed the Committee’s decision to keep aerial spraying legal, as it is the only practical and responsible way of applying plant protection products in specific situations.

ECPA also welcomed the outcomes from the votes in the Internal Market Committee and Agriculture Committee on the Regulation proposal. In particular, ECPA noted, the numerous amendments put forward concerning provisions on the parallel import of plant protection products in the EU are "a very positive development which should help in keeping illegal products off the market."

ECPA’s Director of Regulatory Affairs, Euros Jones, praised this decision in particular, saying, "This is a positive signal that EU controls will be put in place to ensure better controls of all products placed on the market."

ECPA 表示,接受了积极的修正案,这将确保修订后的立法继续为新的和创新的物质提供快速进入市场的途径。

该过程的下一步将是工业委员会于 5 月初对框架指令和法规的提案进行投票。