印度:BASAI 年会强调农业生物制品可持续发展的必要性

年度股东大会 印度生物农业解决方案协会 (BASAI) 2023 年 9 月 18 日在新德里强调了印度和全球农业生物领域面临的紧迫问题, 报告 Krishi Jagran. Eminent experts discussed the industry’s challenges, including low awareness and regulatory gaps. BASAI’s CEO outlined their initiatives, while speakers emphasized the need for sustainability and regulation in biological products to ensure crop protection and fertilizer usage in India. The event also celebrated agricultural contributions and witnessed the soft launch of informative e-books, showcasing the commitment to advancing the Bio Agri Industry in the country.

来自农业生物领域的知名行业专家和知名人士出席了 BASAI 年度大会。

The meeting commenced with a welcome address from BASAI’s Vice-Chairperson, Sandipa Khanikar. She emphasized the growing importance of biological products for sustainable crop protection and crop nutrition. While the industry is attracting national and international players due to its inherent need, numerous challenges hinder its streamlined growth.

Juzar Khorakiwala, Chairperson of BASAI, addressed the gathering, noting, “Awareness and knowledge about biological products remain relatively low. Unlike fertilizers, seeds, or crop protection products, they are not considered basic inputs by many farmers.” He emphasized the essential nature of sustainability for bio Agri products and the need to ensure their supply and resources, mentioning that the Bio Agri Industry’s revenue stands at 250 crores and continues to grow.

