RIMAC 欢迎中国贸促会

2008 年 8 月 21 日星期四,42 位中国商界领袖 中国贸促会 visited RIMAC, a leading agrochemical company based in Costa Rica. Following the 2008 Trade Summit in San Jose, Costa Rica, RIMAC received the CCPIT visitors with a mixed-cultural event. Typical figures from Costa Rican legends came out dancing from behind one of the buildings as the Chinese guests arrived. These dancing figures are typical in small rural villages in Costa Rica during festive events. This unexpected reception immediately put a smile on everyone’s face. Some even joined in on the dancing.

此外,RIMAC还以中国典型的欢迎舞狮舞迎接他们。那天哥斯达黎加和中国的国旗并肩飘扬。文化活动结束后,代表团参观了 RIMAC 工厂设施。

After the visit to RIMAC, the Costa Rican hosts took CCPIT to Hacienda Juan Viñas, a well known coffee and sugar cane farm in Costa Rica. There they received a guided tour and explanation of the coffee growing process, as well as the sugar cane growing process.

Following the tour of Hacienda Juan Viñas, the group enjoyed typical Costa Rican food and drink at Los Molinos, a rustic but delicious restaurant on the outskirts of Cartago, Costa Rica.

