Seipasa 发起活动向大流行期间的农民致敬

赛帕萨,这家西班牙公司专门从事生物杀虫剂、生物杀真菌剂和生物刺激剂的开发和配制,展示了其 向农民致敬的运动 并感谢他们在大流行期间的努力和牺牲。

在标题之下 “我们将共同培育 2021 年”,这一倡议为即将开始的新的一年发出了乐观和希望的号召。该活动的核心是一段视频,讲述了一个农业家庭的感人故事,以及他们努力向所有同事传达鼓励和感激的信息,并缅怀那些在大流行病期间去世的人。

The campaign will be launched in the mass media and on social media, as well as on Seipasa’s website and Youtube channel.

For Seipasa’s Communications Manager, Carlos Muñoz, the campaign slogan, ‘Together we are going to nurture 2021’ comes to life in the video, as one more character, and expresses certain values that are inherent to the farming culture. “It is about working together, about having the drive and enthusiasm to move forward and, above all, about cultivating and nurturing, which consists of working on a project with hope but without the certainty of how the harvest will turn out. It is a metaphor of humankind’s efforts to overcome the pandemic and a message about the core values in farming culture: working today with hope for the tomorrow,” Muñoz added.

Muñoz explained that the campaign aims to “reach out to the hearts of the great family in the agricultural sector, acknowledging the essential work of farmers during the crisis, producing food and sustaining economic activity under very difficult conditions.”

He went on to point out that the values of agriculture and rural life are, on many occasions, an invisible friend for society. “Everyone knows just how essential they are, but nobody pays much attention to them until a situation like the current one brings things into sharp focus. For us, the reward is that there will be people out there who will embrace this message, and this is our way of contributing to highlighting the invaluable work of farmers,” he said.