UPL 帮助在圭亚那建立“小米示范农场”

UPL,可持续农业解决方案的领先供应商,已宣布与圭亚那共和国合作建立一个 200 英亩的“小米示范农场”。 UPL 集团首席执行官 Jai Shroff 和 Hon Zulfikar Mustafa。圭亚那共和国农业部长于 2023 年 4 月 21 日在圭亚那乔治城签署了一份谅解备忘录,旨在评估各种小米品种对圭亚那种植和消费的适应性。谅解备忘录的签署恰逢印度外交部长 S. Jaishankar 率领的印度代表团访问圭亚那。

在此次合作中,UPL 将提供技术专长和选定的农业投入,而圭亚那共和国将在圭亚那提供 200 英亩的合适土地,当地的农场运营将由圭亚那共和国完成。



Sagar Kaushik, President, Global Corporate & Industry Affairs from UPL, said, “We are delighted to partner with the Republic of Guyana as the first country in Latin America to explore millet cultivation potential in Guyana, which will also benefit Small Holding Farmers.”

Explaining the initiatives further, Kaushik said, “UPL is paving the path for millet cultivation and making important strides toward its vision of a food-secure world through this collaboration. This is a win-win situation for both Guyana and UPL. UPL’s expertise and technical know-how will play a crucial role in ensuring the success of this initiative, which can provide a sustainable livelihood to smallholding farmers globally. We are excited about the potential of this collaboration and look forward to working with the Republic of Guyana to achieve our shared goal of promoting sustainable agriculture practices.”