
Acadian Seaplants Ltd. (ASL) 宣布,由于个人原因,Acadian Plant Health (APH) 部门总裁 Roger Tripathi 将离开公司。 Acadian Seaplants 总裁兼首席执行官 Jean-Paul Deveau 将临时承担其职责。

Tripathi 于 2016 年 4 月接受领导 APH 业务的职责,其中包括销售、营销、业务发展和重塑部门创新,主要重点是通过加强其在植物健康领域的全球领导地位将 APH 提升到一个新的水平。

“我们对 Tripathi 先生的辞职深感悲痛,但当然明白必须以他令人信服的个人理由为先,”Jean-Paul Deveau 说。 “他在 ASL 的所有朋友和同事,以及全球生物刺激素行业的同事,都继续祝愿他一切顺利,并早日回到他热爱的农业行业,他是其中如此重要的一部分。

“During his tenure, Roger was instrumental in reshaping our company’s plant health division and was an inspirational part of our executive leadership team,” added Deveau. “Within APH his focus on division and product branding – to consolidate our leadership position in the global biostimulant sector – and his efforts in New Product Development, the expansion of strategic partnerships and building business development structures and teams enables the APH Division to expand product offerings now and in the future.”